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Pre-Care Instructions

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Make sure you hydrate! This will help to combat dehydration of the skin and alleviate any lightheadedness during your treatment.

2 Weeks Pre-Treatment

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Begin avoiding any blood thinning foods, supplements, and medications (unless prescribed) to

reduce chances of bruising, swelling, or excessive bleeding.

1 Week Pre-Treatment

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Avoid alcohol and caffeine as they can lead to increased risk of bruising or swelling.

3 Days Pre-Treatment

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Arrive early for your treatment with a full stomach, hair secured away from face, clean face, and no makeup.

Day of Treatment

Keep In Mind...

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Following our Pre-Care policies is required for all appointments. These guidelines are in place for your safety and to help you to achieve the best results possible.

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Avoid planning any special events for 2-4 weeks following your treatment. You may experience swelling or bruising post treatment. It can take several days for the treatment to take full effect.

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If your treatment targets the lower face, please do not book any dental work for two weeks leading up to and two weeks following your appointment.

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Sunburned skin is difficult to treat, so please avoid overexposure to sun leading up to your appointment. Keep in mind, if you notice a cold sore, blemish, or rash in the area due to be treated, your appointment may need to be rescheduled.

Pre-Care Treatment Specifics

Facial Treatment

SkinBetter Science AlphaRet Pre-Peel Care

  • Skin should be acclimated to SkinBetter Science skincare products one to two weeks prior to first peel treatment.

  • Avoid clay masks, scrubs, or additional exfoliators that contain alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) such as glycolic and lactic acid and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) such as salicylic acid for at least 48 hours prior to each peel treatment.

  • Do not use AlphaRet products, Retin-A or any other Vitamin A product, including products that contain a retinoid or retinol for at least 48 hours prior to each peel treatment.

  • Do no use self tanning agents for at least 48 hours prior to each peel treatment.

  • Do not have facial hair waxed/lasered within 48 hours prior to each peel treatment.

  • The AlphaRet Professional Peel should not be performed if active cold sores, fever blisters, or herpes are present anywhere on your face prior to treatment.

  • If you have recently undergone any other facial treatment procedures such as microdermabrasion, microneedling, derma planing, laser resurfacing, chemical peels, botulinum toxin, derma fillers, facial plastic surgery, etc., skin must be completely healed and normalized prior to peel treatment.

SkinPen Pre-Care Instructions

  • The treated area may be pink and mildly inflamed (similar to the appearance of a mild sunburn) for 24-48 hours following your SkinPen procedure.

  • 24 hours post-procedure, your provider may advise you to keep your skin clean of cosmetics or sunscreen for the remainder of the day.

  • If you are prone to herpes simplex outbreaks, such as cold sores, consult your provider on ways to treat prior or whether the procedure is appropriate for you.

  • If your face or treatment area has irritated skin (sunburn, open wounds, sores) the day preceding your appointment, please contact our office before your appointment.

  • This procedure may not be performed on active breakouts or open lesions. Please consult your provider prior to your SkinPen procedure to address any such issues.

  • Wait at least six months post isotretinoin use before your SkinPen procedure, as isotretinoin use may impair proper wound healing.

  • If you have recently used spray or self- tanning lotions on treatment areas before your SkinPen procedure, discuss with your provider.

  • Avoid sun exposure for 24 hours prior to the procedure.

  • Discontinue the use of topical products containing AHAs, Retinol or Vitamin A for 24 hours prior to your SkinPen procedure.

  • If you are on autoimmune therapy, ask your provider if the procedure is appropriate
    for you.

Credit: Crown Aesthetics​


PRP Pre-Care Instructions

  • Please drink plenty of fluids and water the day before and the day of your procedure. If you are dehydrated, it is much harder to draw your blood and you will not have as much plasma.

  • Avoid NSAIDs (ibuprofen, Aleve, naproxen, aspirin) for 7 days prior to your procedure. It is OK to take Tylenol (acetaminophen) prior to your procedure as this does not thin your blood and does not increase your risk of bruising.

  • Please stop any herbal supplements 7 days prior (including St Johns Wort, Garlic, Vitamin E, Ginko, etc). Biotin based supplements do not need to be discontinued.

  • Do not color your hair for 24 hours leading up to your treatment.

Permanent Cosmetics Pre-Care Instructions

Lash Line Enhancement

  • Appointment will begin with numbing of treatment area.

  • Prepare for appointments to be around 3 hours. 1 follow up appointment at 6 weeks is necessary and is included in the price.

  • The beginning of each procedure can feel like a scratch on the skin & will be numbed shortly after.

  • Aftercare instructions are crucial in the healing of your tattoo. Healing will take around 3-5 Days. This will consist of color fading.

  • Color boosts are recommended every 1-4 years following the initial procedure.


Before each appointment:

  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, wearing eye makeup and working out on day of appointment.

  • Avoid blood thinners such as Ibuprofen, aspirin, Aleve, NSAIDS, vitamin E, fish oil or vitamins 48 hours before unless medically necessary (doctors note would be required).

  • All lash serums must be discontinued for 3 months prior to the appointment.


Powder Brows​​

  • Appointment will begin with consult & mapping out treatment area.

  • Prepare for appointments to be around 3-5 hours. 1 follow up appointment at 6 weeks is necessary and included in the price.

  • The beginning of each procedure can feel like a scratch on the skin & will be numbed shortly after.

  • Aftercare instructions are crucial in the healing of your tattoo. Healing will take around 10 days. This may consist of flaking and light scabbing. 

  • Color retouches are usually needed about every 12-18 months following the initial procedure.


Before each appointment:

  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol and working out for 24 hours prior to appointment.

  • Avoid waxing, tinting & tanning beds at least 1 week prior.

  • Avoid facials, chemical peels, any exfoliation, laser treatments, Retinol, Vitamin A, Glycolic Acids, & AHAs/BHAs in the brow area for 2 weeks prior.

  • Botox & fillers in the facial area, must be done at least 30 days prior.

  • Skin must be free of irritations, burns, acne, eczema, and psoriasis in the eyebrow area. Rashes, moles, and acne cannot be tattooed.

  • Avoid blood thinners such as Ibuprofen, aspirin, Aleve, NSAIDS, vitamin E, fish oil or vitamins 48 hours before unless medically necessary (doctors note would be required).

  • Please come prepared with a doctors note if you have a history of Diabetes, Hemophilia, Auto Immune Diseases, Eczema, Psoriasis, Dermatitis & Epilepsy/Seizures.


Lip Blushing

  • Appointment will begin with consult & mapping out treatment area.

  • Prepare for appointments to be around 3-5 hours. 1 follow up appointment at 6 weeks is necessary and is included in the price.

  • The beginning of each procedure can feel like a scratch on the skin & will be numbed shortly after.

  • Aftercare instructions are crucial in the healing of your tattoo. Healing will take around 3-5 Days. This may consist of flaking and color change.

  • Color boosts are recommended every 1-4 years following the initial procedure.


Before each appointment:

  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol and working out on day of appointment.

  • Avoid waxing, tinting & tanning beds at least 1 week prior.

  • Avoid facials, chemical peels, any exfoliation, laser treatments, Retinol, Vitamin A, Glycolic Acids, & AHAs/BHAs in the brow area for 2 weeks prior.

  • Botox & fillers in the facial area, must be done at least 30 days prior.

  • Skin must be free of irritations, burns, acne, eczema, and psoriasis in the eyebrow area. Rashes, moles, and acne cannot be tattooed.

  • Avoid blood thinners such as Ibuprofen, aspirin, Aleve, NSAIDS, vitamin E, fish oil or vitamins 48 hours before unless medically necessary (doctors note would be required).

  • If you have a history of cold sores you will need to take an anti-viral for 3 days before the procedure, the day of, and the day after. Cold sores can be triggered by stress or trauma to the lips & effect the healed results.

  • Please come prepared with a doctors note if you have a history of Diabetes, Hemophilia, Auto Immune Diseases, Eczema, Psoriasis, Dermatitis & Epilepsy/Seizures.

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